Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

As the Bees Die…Our Role in Heaven or Hell

Bees at Bealtaine CottageKeeping Bees and making honey turned into Keeping Bees and making money…on a vast commercial scale, with hundreds of hives being transported all over the world, to ensure pollination of vast stretches of monoculture crops.

There is an Orwellian feel to this scenario.

Something feels so very wrong about this.

Alarm bells should have been triggered at this point, about 20 years ago…monoculture madness would end up consuming all that is sacred about our Earth.

Trusting our food security to corporations and governments has led us all to the edge of the abyss.

This is particularly highlighted with the recent, disgraceful episode of horse-meat found in the Beef supply chain all across Europe.

(Can you see the little Wren in the hanging basket?)

The incessant greed for higher profits and the complicity of government departments in this money-making racket resonates with previous scandals.

We had regulators in place for the banking system…scandal!

We had regulators in place for the church…scandal!

We had regulations in place for politicians…scandal!

Yet, all the time, the people we should have trusted, we ignored…ourselves!

We CAN do something to help ameliorate this disaster happening before our very eyes.

There are a few simple steps we can take, starting this very weekend, the first weekend in March!

The first is fun…sow flower seeds, flowers for the bees.

Everyone can do this and be aware that as you make your environment a more beautiful place, so too, the world becomes a happier place for the bees.

The other action you can take, starting immediately, is to buy locally produced, seasonal, fresh food, not of the monoculture produced variety!

Look at it this way…Every cent or penny you spend is an investment in the world you want to see.

Local food is quality food with no air miles or massive profit included!

Be the change you want to see…

Podcasts will be linked from the new Podcast page listed at the top of the website…go there for the daily podcast or just to catch up.

Bealtaine Cottage YouTube Channel…is free from adverts, with over 100 videos from the gardens of Bealtaine Cottage and Willow  All open-pollinated seeds of flowers, vegetables and trees growing under Permaculture for 11 years.

Bealtaine Cottage Podcast  A daily podcast from Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland.

Bealtaine Cottage Magical Gardens  Daily pics of the cottage and gardens, with words and inspiration.

Bealtaine Cottage Website  is free and has over 850 blogs, as well as over 3,500 photographs. A massive and comprehensive Permaculture resource.

Bealtaine Cottage Good Life Website  subscription is 12 euros per year and allows me a small income, to keep doing what I love doing most…writing about Mother Earth and photographing her.  Click on button below to join the website…

Thank you for supporting Bealtaine Cottage

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