Coppicing Trees for Future Forests

Dwarf sunflower at Bealtaine Cottage

The day is warm and still.

flower arrangementThere’s a hint of early autumn in the air.

coppicing birch trees in the permaculture gardensI have been working in the gardens, coppicing trees.

This morning I coppiced this lovely Birch tree.

The trunk remains growing about a metre or so from the earth and will rapidly produce several new stems, that will thicken up to give even more wood for the cottage in a few short years.

Che Mousey Bear relaxes on the benchCoppicing was carried out on all medieval woodlands and is the reason why there are so many old trees in counties of England.

coppicing at Bealtaine CottageCoppicing regularly will enable a tree to live for several thousand years!

The main stem will be sawn into small logs and stored in the barn.

Shredding tree branches to use as mulchThe remaining small branches are shredded and used as a mulch on the Potager Beds! So everything is returned to the Earth.

Trees are a direct way of enabling the harvest of solar energy.cats at Bealtaine CottageMeanwhile,

Missy Cat lounges on the gravelas I worked, the cats relaxed, as only they can do…

bees on NasturtiumsAnd the bees kept working…

Bealtaine Cottage verandaAnd the morning drifted effortlessly…

fennelinto a beautiful afternoon…

Garden steps


      • Birch sap, sounds wonderful . . . Essential oil requires a still, but there are small ones on the market for a few hundred dollars (US- no idea how that translates). I use birch oil in massage therapy.
        We have cedars here which are considered invasive to the prairie, and I keep thinking if I had a still I could remove them, and produce something useful from them at the same time.

  1. We just did this to a lot of trees today. It didnt seem right to destroy the trees completely. Hadn’t known it was called coppicing or that it would definitely grow back. Im thrilled now!

  2. There is a eucalyptus tree in my garden that grows at an alarming rate and I was wondering what to do about it. You have encouraged me to find out whether it is possible to coppice eucalyptus. I live in an area where willow is regularly coppiced. I wonder if there is a use for eucalyptus wood?
    Your garden looks wonderful as do your feline friends. I notice one of your cats has a handsome Turkish Van tail, what a beautiful boy or girl? he/she is.

    Blessings x


      • Oh good, I’m glad to hear it is ok to coppice the eucalyptus and yes, it does have lovely foliage.

        Many thanks x

        Very stormy here in the uk today.

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