Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Year at Bealtaine…part 2

Lime tree walk at Bealtaine Cottage

Nine years of planting trees into barren, north-facing land has now awoken a magical earth, with paths that lead forever among dappled shade.

And every now and then open up into a secret garden…

…or two…

Some paths get overgrown fast as Nature’s abundance keeps giving.

The thousands of plants all jostle for space…

and are now self-seeding, like this little Cherry tree growing next to an Oak!

Willow arches that lead into the Fairy Wood at Midsummer.

The delicate blossom on the Mountain Ash, also known as the Rowan Tree.

A place for tea in the garden on long summer days.

The standing stone by the lower pond in the Bog Garden.



And more Willow!



And more paths!

The lane-way in Summer, walking down to collect…

the post!

The plants take over as Summer holds sway…

And roses outside on the veranda go completely crazy!

Gosh…there’s lots more to share for 2013, so a “Part 3” will be needed!

Happy New Year from Bealtaine XXX

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