Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Year at Bealtaine…part 3

Poppies in Permaculture

2013 moved from Spring to summer with ease and Poppies jostled with one another for space in the beds.

The potager beds were extended and two more were constructed.

Aquilegia and Valerian ignored the seasons and came up together, surrounding the porch with delicate shades of pink and purple.

It was a frenzy of colour!

The roses made their appearance on the veranda, more abundant than ever!

My friends Terri and Lol brought me masses of seaweed from their beautiful Clifden in Connemara and it was spread all over the potager beds!

Sammy-Bear turned from a rather naughty kitten into an even naughtier cat!

Visitors had to dodge the low-hanging flowers and…

emerging fruit!

Bird baths were sat into trees for the rather hot birds…

and Blackcurrant wine was started off in the glass carboy.

Then transferred to a demijohn to sit out the next few months on the kitchen windowsill.

The heat of summer continued and the well ran dry!

Bealtaine Cottage basked in the sun and heat, as I carted water up from a spring well lower down the land.

Rose petals fell like confetti all over the veranda…it was lovely!

Ox-Eye Daisies flourished everywhere!

Sammy-Bear cooled off by rolling in the dirt path in the tunnel and getting absolutely filthy!

Che-Mousey found a cool spot in the shade of the laurel arch.

It was sheer abundance!

And the summer rolled on…

Gosh…almost there…part 4 methinks!

Blessings from Bealtaine XXX

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