Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

The Memory of Eden

July permaculture 2011 010What is it that makes so many farmers and gardeners want to burn vegetative material?
The same happens here in Ireland, a country with the lowest tree cover in all of Europe!
This is essential for building soil, in fact is the only thing apart from erosion of rock, that actually gives us soil.
Our connection to the soil is vital, for it gives us our food.
Those who fail to make that connection are doomed to starvation and loss of habitat.
Loss of habitat means certain death.
Is this what is happening all over the Earth right now?
It appears to be so.
Earth is not a thing we live upon, but Gaia, as described by James Lovelock.
Gaia is affected by everything we do, every breath we take, every loving or hateful action we do to her.
The collective consciousness we inhabit is being infused by her cries…there are those who are evolved enough to hear and respond, and those who willfully lock themselves out from the trauma our planet is enduring.
The latter will have to watch their step for Mother earth is angry and will not abide!
I believe that we are each a part of the Divine Consciousness and dependent on every other living thing.
I see this grasp of understanding, manifesting in so many people now, that it really lifts my heart!
There is a fusion happening.
This fusion is bringing us all together with all life, every last atom of it!
For those who embrace this, there is a sense of pure joy bestowed upon us by that Consciousness.
For those who continue on the path of hate and spite, dominance and abuse, there can only be fear and a deep dark corner of a dying planet.
The atoms we carry within us were once part of the Milky Way, of stars long since vanished back into the Divine Consciousness.
We carry Eden within us.
Bealtaine Cottage is also on YouTube…with over 110 videos about Permaculture, planting, growing and living.There are almost 700 blogs in the archives on this site.I write, photograph and film, in a small way, to give a voice to Mother Earth.

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