Samhain Mysteries and Celebrations

Podcast: Samhain Mysteries and Celebrations

Samhain marked the Celtic New Year, the end of summer, and the end of the harvest season. It also signaled the beginning of winter, which they associated with death. On this day, the Celts believed the veil between the living and the dead was especially thin. This allowed spirits of the dead to visit the living.


  1. I have a strong connection to celtic paganism/ spirituality…I say spirituality because sometimes I’ll add some Christian bits and pieces to my spiritual beliefs. My heritage is Gaulois Celts which we never seem to hear about! Anyway, loved this podcast!

  2. I have often read about the Celts making human sacrifices but it never sat right with me. From what we know of them, it just doesn’t ring true but I guess we will never know for sure. My heritage is the Gaulois celtic heritage. I am very connected to Celtic Spirituality so I enjoyed this podcast…well all your podcasts really…very much!

  3. Wonderful podcast, thank you, you share so much knowledge, wisdom and insight, I have listened to it twice now, both times whilst tucked up in bed with howling winds and lashings of rain outside. Just magical xx

  4. Thank you so much for the podcast. It was interesting. I love the child aspect of Halloween, but it is great to have a history of it’s origins as well as learning a new and deeper respect for the holiday and the people who celebrate!

  5. Dear Collette,

    We thoroughly enjoyed your podcast on Samhain. The holiday is very misunderstood here in the U.S. It has always been about the change of light, the beautiful changing season, the harvest and the honoring of the ancestors to us.
    As I listened to your podcast, I have the sun setting behind the trees, the cool breeze and the subtle light changing even here in Florida. Our autumn also includes the return of migratory birds such as painted buntings and hummingbirds. Listening to you talk about ancient Ireland reminds me of our trip there and a few of those very magical places that will live in my memory always!
    Thank you for all that you do! Blessings.

    Susan and Sergio Casamento

  6. Fascinating explanation of Celtic calendar and seasons. You have a way of speaking and openness that makes it easy to “go back” and see this time. Following nature and the light was the most natural life. I love the photo of your chimney and the veil of woodsmoke in autumn light. Blessings to you – all!

  7. Thank you, Colette for the podcast and the reminder that the energy is always there. I really enjoyed listening from across the pond in The Finger Lakes of New York.

  8. Wishing you and Patsy a good Samhain and a blessed New Year
    Blessings and greetings from Daggy Kiel Germany ☘️☘️☘️

  9. Thank you Colette your podcasts are my quiet time before I go to sleep also love your videos..thank you as always for sharing your world ! Xoxo

  10. I enjoy listening to your wise words Colette and always learn more on subjects that interest me and therefore I feel led to seek out more knowledge. Never too old to learn. Wishing you a blessed Samhain.

  11. Thank you so very much for the lovely Samhain podcast!
    I tucked into bed to listen, in the quiet of my own company…when I heard my husband, turning down his program in the living room, listening to YOUR podcast too! He is excessively fond of Celtic history and I think, was quite enjoying what I was listening to 😉 Goodnight sweet Colette~ Blessings, thanks and sweet dreams xx

  12. An infusion is a beautiful comparison. I so enjoy your podcasts, Colette. Samhain and birthday blessings. xoxo

  13. Colette that was so interesting l will listen again. Shame we have lost so much of our past & interpretation from religion has added fear into the mix so true. Thank you for your wise words. Kerry Australia

    • Lovely lecture. Informative, interesting and practical. I took notes. Blessings today, tomorrow, your birthday and Samhain. Do you believe that the animals can cross the veil? Beloved horses, pups, cats and wild creatures ( guides, helpers and friends) that have gone before we have left? Should we leave food for them during the celebrations ? My home has met its current maximum with three fish aquariums, two lovely older cat ladies, two BEAUTIFUL and SMART pups & two, new additions in the form of tiny kittens with pink noses (Willow and Oak). I keep saying that I have room on the broom for one more … now no room for me on my own sofa. I grew up and live just miles from the border of a third world country. They call November the first, The Day Of The Dead. When I used to go to Mass, the children would come dressed like Saints on that day (so cute). I do hope you say that the animals cross the veil. I like them much better than most people.
      Again, lovely, lecture. More like this please please.
      Will say bye for now. Tiny Oak ( Young Master Oak) has planted himself on my lap and is demanding some love. So little and has a very squeaky meow at the moment. Hope he grows into his voice. The kittens are not pure white, they have some lovely markings, but are mostly white.
      Strange, because I usually prefer GREY kittens. They are soft with white whiskers, pink noses and pink feet. Eyes are stormy blue but could change with age. Give Patsy forehead kisses and sweet pink, belly rubs from all of us. Knit her sweater MOM. XXXX

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