Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

The Paradigm Shift

Candle at Bealtaine Cottage Disconnection from Nature means a distancing from the Divine.

Belief in government and politics has led us astray.

Belief in anything other than ourselves has let us down.

The very seeds of creation have been patented by corporations with the hand of governments, our governments, complicit in the evildoing.

Our water has been privatised and sold to the highest bidder, then sold back to us at massive costs.

Our very homes are under attack.

Our governments have succumbed to the will of the elite and taxed our homes.

Our homes?

There is no profit to be made in the place one retreats to for food and shelter…is there?

As all this happens, our governments sacrifice the health and education of the nation to spend billions on war.

Even this Irish government I live under, in this neutral country, is suckered into the militarisation of the EU.

Money that should be spent at home on alleviating poverty and poor education is going into the killing machine.

No forces should be stationed in other countries and Ireland is all too well aware of that wrongdoing!

The yearly cost of stationing one soldier in Iraq could feed 60 families in the West.

Poverty, food banks and misery is on the rise!

Total estimates of European Union defence and security spending vary between $200 and 300 billion…while children live in impoverishment!


Are we under attack?…only from within, I suspect.

This is an abomination!

The Paradigm shift is that people are waking up to deeds of their governments and are questioning the very basis of all they once  held true.

“Not in my name.” 

My home is not an asset, Mr Kenny.

You will not tax my home.

I will not comply with injustice and theft.

Taxes imposed by the IMF are nothing less than theft!

This is not a rallying call to others, but an articulation of what many people feel is wrong with society.

The Paradigm shift is our awakening.

The line in the sand is being drawn.


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