Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

G8 Summit of Charlatans

wheelbarrow at bealtaine cottageWhat is happening in our societies is not about austerity.

It is not about the economy either.

It is about the blatant, criminal misuse and misappropriation of our taxes.

Was any government you ever voted for, mandated to give our tax money to banks?

Was that the platform that the trustees we elected, in trust, to hold in trust, our state, voted into office?

The media keeps talking about our “Economy”, as though it were our lack of work  or effort that caused any of these problems.

We are told continually that the past is the past, what’s done is done and to move on!

We are told that we need to get the economy moving by spending!

I do not want to buy stuff.

I want an equitable society where all are cared for.

Recently, here in Ireland, our government at the behest of the EU, inflicted a “carbon tax” upon us in the form of 75 cents rise on a bag of coal.

But here’s the catch…it is the poorest people who are reduced to buying coal to keep warm…and usually the oldest and most vulnerable in our society.

Where is this tax going?

Well, Ireland has the lowest tree cover in Europe and it is not being re-invested into the planting of deciduous trees.

Most of this money will be traded for Carbon Tax credits…total madness!

We need trees here in Ireland!

I am currently sitting in a G8 Exclusion Zone.

They will be converging just up the road from me, in the next few days, to start the carve-up of what is left in societies.

The forces that be have recently been out on the roads around the G8 Summit Hotel, removing anti-fracking signs…leaders must not be subjected to any kind of opposition to their distorted world views!

I can tell you what they WILL NOT be talking about…

Planting trees!

How we expand education for all!

Ways of supporting the Carers in society!

Creating a more just and equitable society.

Putting programmes in place to encourage people to grow organic food.

Nationalising water and all major utilities to ensure front-line democracy for all citizens!

Social unrest is being driven by corporate greed and the resulting societal chaos compounded by unemployment, mental trauma, & poverty!

Will the G8 address any of these real issues?

I’m not holding my breath!

There’s some real work to be done here at Bealtaine Cottage…trees to plant, food to grow and Nature to engage with…with the occasional cup of tea brewed up on the rocket stove!

Bealtaine Cottage is also on YouTube…with over 100 videos about Permaculture, planting, growing and living.

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