Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Early Lughnasadh in the Gardens of Bealtaine

The last flush of Summer happens in early Lughnasadh.

As I walk the gardens in late evening, the earthy taste of Autumn pervades the air.

The wheel turns as endings and beginnings wind their way through the days of change.

All is change…

Mists form in early morning cool air as heat continues to rise from the earth.

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Soon the clothes of summer will be packed away, to be replaced with woollens and woven items more suited to the cooling of Lughnasadh.

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In the world of man the destruction and threats of destruction continues, as though in another dimension. Mother Earth is unaware of their arrogance and hubris…She just goes on, as they huff and puff and eventually blow themselves out…She just goes on!



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