Yes…I’m Still Here!


My famous Blackcurrant Chutney…recipe is here on the website! Use the search bar on the right side to locate!

Blessed Lughnasadh!

One of the many Robins born in the woodland sanctuary of Bealtaine Cottage this year.

The rebirthed Rowan tree, a sacred, magical tree held in high esteem by the Celts.

Blessings to you and those you love XXX Colette


  1. We are so excited that you’re still here with us my husband ,little dog dolly and I are now on your island . we would love to come and visit if that is at all possible. new subscribers about a year now . you really do take our Breath Away. I’ve been an environmental activist all my life and my husband and I are looking to relocate to Ireland . We are over here till October 10th. But currently driving our off grid conversion van / our current home across to the southeren coast

  2. Missed you. Glad you are taking time for some healing and rest. Take as long as you feel you need. See you soon. Take care.

  3. I am so pleased you are so well Colette – I found this blog through your daughters message somewhere! Not very computer savvy! Lovely to hear your uplifting voice. xxx

  4. Glad to hear you are looking after yourself.. you are worth it! Everyone needs a summer break.
    Sounds like you on the top of the world with your drink fasting. x

    • Lovely. Inner spiritual healing is so important. The photos of Bealtaine Cottage are beautiful. My light has changed as well. I love the shadowy golds in the morning and the “pinkish-red” sunsets. I can hear “train-song” at my new location. Thank you for sharing. Blessings and I wish you abundance and love.
      Kat … (Nana)

  5. I think 90km/hr is about the same as 55 mph. It has been quite awhile since we changed, here in BC Canada LOL. We have drop off/pickup treasures ‘n’ trash place in my community called “the Swap Shed” Great place! 🙂

  6. Oh Colette, I am so happy I checked the website! I started my own juice fast this past Monday as well. I have been missing your videos but reading your book and watching old videos are holding me over until you return. I havent read this many books since grade school, and not sure why I ever stopped because I loved it so much. You have rekindled that flame in my heart, thank you! I’ve been inspired to buy more books from names you’ve mentioned such as Yeats and Lovelock. I can’t wait for them to arrive. Sending you all the love and light for your break! xx

  7. It was a wonderful treat to hear your voice this morning here in the southern part of the USA. It is so hot and dry here, it’s a real struggle to keep the plants alive. I do so enjoy seeing your videos and all the lovely Irish green. Your pictures, videos, and voice give me a sense of calm and peace. Best wishes on your rest and resetting your health. Sending you warm hugs and sunshine.

  8. Glad you are taking time to do what needs to be done! You are my only source of entertainment…do you feel guilty yet…lol! Miss your calming voice in such times as these, but for those that are awake to what is happening, we will survive it and come out even stronger! Now the important question: Have you ever grown a turnip and carved it for Samhain? You are so creative, and I would love to see you do a video of it! Enjoy your path to health, peace and joy! Oh, and trees of course!

  9. I’m so pleased to hear the juice fast is going well. I very much enjoyed listening to you this evening and I love your tips for keeping a tidy home. Blessings.

  10. Hey Colette,
    If you feel so much better when fasting, that suggests to me that you may have a food allergy. (Queen of allergies speaking here, LOL). When you start to eat solid food again, you can introduce it one thing at a time, wait a few days, and see if you notice any problems. Since you are vegan, the biggest suspect would be wheat and anything else with gluten (rye, barley). It’s called an elimination diet, and it really works to pinpoint the things that make you ill. I did one years ago, and found that gluten (confirmed later by biopsy) and dairy are poison to me. When I went off them, all the polyps in my stomach went away, and my ulcer healed. Anyway, you know yourself best, but it’s a thought.

    BTW, Facebook has pages called “Buy Nothing” for local areas. We have one for my neighborhood. I’ve been able to get quite a few things I needed for free. You can post stuff you want to get rid of, or ask for something you need.

    Here in San Francisco, it’s been a long, dark, gloomy summer. The only things that did well in my garden were the cucumbers and peppers, and then a gopher got in and destroyed half of them… sigh.


  11. I miss your videos Colette but taking care of yourself should always come first. It sounds like it is paying off too. Looking forward to your next Empire Podcast!

  12. Oh so glad to hear from you. We do have here some places places where things are offered for free. The recycling center has shelving along the building there with a large overhang where you can put usable things that people can take that otherwise might be tossed into the recycling bins. Also the History Center sponsors a “Junk in the Trunk” day once a year where you can take anything that you would like to sell for a few dollars, you pay a small fee to park your car and lay out in the trunk the things you have brought to sell. It works pretty well and is well attended.

    Oh yes, I did want to say that I have ordered an oriental poppy much like the ones that you have. I love them, they are so beautiful! This one is a soft coral pink color (at least that is what the description and pic shows) so that will be planted next month once it comes and the weather cools down a bit. I also am planning an area in an established bed to plant out a large clump of those red valerian mixed in with some Shasta daisies. I can hardly wait to see them next year. So you are making a big difference in my flower beds just since I found your YouTube site.

  13. Hello! lovely to see your face Colette. You are a true inspiration and all the natural beauty that surrounds you that you’ve taken great care of and photographed. All that rainfall sloshing around and refreshing everything. Fabulous, blessings and many thanks x

  14. Please take all the time you need for self care dear Colette. We all must love ourselves and honour ourselves. Glad to hear your energy is flowing well. Blessings.

  15. So happy to see your face dear friend.
    Self Care… I understand this and I am glad you are on this mission. It feels great to see some progress with your energies etc! I love that deep sense of wellness myself. Carry on… just like you do❤️🌈🌈🌲🌲

  16. Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear from you and that you are having a care and rest time. This is my favourite time of the year, fruit collecting and sharing, mellowed golden light at both ends of the day, a slowing down and grateful time. Thank you….and enjoy.

  17. Wonderful!! Thank you for this update! You are definitely missed! But please, please do take care of yourself!! Love your words of wisdom. Over the years I discovered that alot of my untidiness was an accumulation of creative projects that I had started…and not finished.ha I am still working on that one…I am further educating myself on my vegan diet. I was a vegetarian for many years; due to my love of animals…going vegan in the last year or so. However, my weight, cholesterol and triglycerides still stayed high. After further investigation, I have discovered that I need to eat whole foods – not so much junk/highly processed vegan food. It’s a process for me…Look forward to any information that you want to share. Always a pleasure to hear from you! Blessings dear Colette!

  18. Thank you for keeping us posted on your healthy juice fast. Looking forward to your next podcast. Blessings to you, dear Colette, from SW Florida. ~ Elizabeth

  19. Good for you. Self care is spiritual care. I was just thinking about you this morning… grateful these crazy energy prices in Europe won’t affect you as they will so many (some bills up 10x!?!?). Being largely self sufficient pays off, first and foremost spiritually and now especially, financially. How prescient.

  20. We love your videos and hearing your wise thoughts, but self-care is SO important! Take whatever time you need to do what needs doing and we’ll be here when you get back. Your videos are my favorites! When I take breaks from working on my little cottage and on my little piece of land, I enjoy seeing what you’ve done, it’s inspirational! Thank you so much and blessings to you dear Colette.

  21. My Dear Colette, I am in awe of all that you have accomplished on your beautiful piece of property. God Bless You and all your amazing work to restore your piece of Heaven.

    • I have missed you. Been searching all over the media for you. Glad you popped up in my emails. Love and best wishes judy

  22. Dear Colette….Take Care of yourself….Nobody else will do it… Blessings and greetings from Daggy Kiel Germany ☘️☘️☘️

  23. Beautiful Colette…the woodland looks wonderful…love this time of year🍀
    Thank you for sharing 🍀

Your comments are welcome!