The Great Turning

Bealtaine Cottage Permaculture, Lush AbundanceWe are at a transformational moment in human history.

This is the Great Turning.

This is a whole mindset of understanding that we are part of a living planet.

Rosehips at bealtaine Cottage permaculture In contrast to the Industrial Revolution, we are understanding that the sustainability of the Earth has been brought to the brink of utter destruction by our mindless greed.

Bealtaine Cottage December Permaculture pondWe need new ways of living and holding the land intact for future generations.

These ways must become deeply rooted in our newly acquired belief systems.

The primary belief being that we understand who we are in time.

That we are part of the Earth, and the Universe.

That we are one.

November Bealtaine Cottage permaculture pondFor the past eleven years, the transformation of one small part of the Earth, from impoverished land to living abundance, has taken place here at Bealtaine Cottage.

Missy at Bealtaine CottageAll who have made the journey here have been impacted by the energy that is spiralling from the land.

During this time I have changed the way I see life.

 Bealtaine Cottage moon rising over the permaculture gardensEntrenched belief systems have been shriven, in much the same way as the albatross was finally released from around the neck of the Ancient Mariner.

Bealtaine Cottage permaculture gardensWhat began as an experiment with permaculture, has become a journey of joy and synchronicity.

Bealtaine Cottage Nov 2011 024Synchronicity is a form of coincidence powerful enough to shatter the notion that material science has discovered all there is to know about the universe.

Bealtaine Cottage permaculture gardensIt was the power of synchronicity to overwhelm the rational mind that held significance for the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung (1875-1961),  who brought the phenomenon to light.

April 2011 bealtaine Cottage 001Jung defined synchronicity,   as meaningful coincidence, effecting the breaking through the “rationalistic shell” of the modern scientific mind.

Plum tree at bealtaine cottage permacultureThe experience of synchronicity is articulated by many rational and educated people, who become aware that there is more at play in this world than what science can explain.

Missy Cat at Bealtaine Cottage“The Great Turning is a name for the essential adventure of our time: the shift from the industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.” ~ Joanna Macy

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  1. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    A powerful post from Colette. This one was from awhile ago, but she just reblogged it, and really, it’s a timeless post. Synchronicity helps us enter the realm of timing instead of time, remembering our place in what Joanna Macy calls The Great Turning — the challenge and transformation of our times.

  2. Oh, Lovely! What a joy to be alive during such a transformational time, and to be a part of leading the change!
    I do believe that women are especially sensitive to this change and the possibilities it affords.
    Bealtaine Blessings

  3. I like those summery pictures. Its looking like a snow globe out my window at the moment. All the best to you.
    That’s a lovely description of the view…I can just imagine it!
    Bealtaine Blessings

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