Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A New Leaf

(As I am beginning a Juice Fast today, I thought I’d re-post this from last year. I can heartily recommend Juice-Fasting as a way of restoring good health all round…it works for me!)

Fresh herbs and micro-greens from the garden are ready to be juiced.

As a way of recuperating from recent loss and feeling very low, I made the decision to start a twenty day Juice Fast.

Starting out last Thursday, I have reached the fifth day and am feeling very good.  

Juice fasting helps to balance pH and blood sugar levels.

It also strengthens the immune system.

The light around the cottage this evening was ethereal, as the sunset glowed in the western sky.

For over half an hour, the setting sun created magical light that lifted the spirit.

It was like a rainbow had enveloped the cottage and gardens!

The red perlagoniums have turned a vivid orange in the sunset light.

Sunset orange on peach woodwork in the porch.

And through the window hang the roses, heavy, on the veranda

Light and dark interact…

This last burst of light illuminates the trees before dusk, here, this evening, in the west of Ireland.


I have two websites… Bealtaine Cottage and Bealtaine Cottage Good Life.

This site, Bealtaine Cottage, is free and has over 850 blogs, as well as over 3,500 photographs.

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