Day 52 of WFPB Lifestyle

It’s almost two months since the end of my 100 day juice fast.

39157771_2100355956869197_4455638805612855296_n (1)For all of my life before I have dieted, lost weight and then, in the space of a month or two, put it all back on again!


I’m sure that if you have ever suffered with weight issues, you completely get what I’m talking about here!

36993235_2067897756781684_5944549739155423232_nThis time, after losing a massive amount of weight over the course of 100 days, something amazing has happened…I have not gained a single pound back over the past 52 days of eating!

Not only that, but, I have continued to lose weight, albeit slowly, but nevertheless lose it and feel better and better in myself!

I am 62 years old and have never felt better!

What do I attribute this to?

Simply the Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle, or WFPB as it is known! (Here’s a small section of pics of the food I have been eating over the past 52 days!)

This is exactly what it says…no meat, no dairy, no fish, no eggs, no animal products and avoiding oil, salt and sugar wherever possible. I no longer have any oils in my home other than what I wear!

Wholefood oil comes from avocado, nuts and other unprocessed sources that I eat and not pour.

Wholefood means unprocessed.

The whole of the food.

So, potatoes are cooked in their skins and I try to incorporate as much as possible of the whole of the food.

The proof of the lifestyle can be seen in my own body every day as I continue to lose the excess weight in a healthy, balanced and kind to Mother Earth way.

I am writing about this in my next book and will share all the knowledge I have gained in the new lifestyle I have embraced…I have NEVER felt this good in my body and mind!

IMG_9281 (2)IMG_9283market (2)And a reminder of my weight problem and ensuing health problems from last year…IMG_7657 (2)Now that I’m here, I’m never going back!

Bealtaine Cottage Guide to the Deep Midwinter

A little Yuletide book filled with colour photographs, recipes, reflections, lore, poetry and mirth to guide you through the wonderful days ahead. Fifty pages of sheer delight from Bealtaine Cottage to you. The book is fully bound and can be posted direct as a gift. Price includes P&P worldwide. Bealtaine Books and Maps are printed in Ireland and posted from Ireland to support the people of Ireland.


Magical Mythical Map of Bealtaine Cottage and Gardens

Beautiful map created by the artist David Gascoigne, especially for Bealtaine Cottage. The picture shows one side of the map…it is printed on both sides, see the photos on this page. The price includes all Postage and Packing to wherever you live in the world! Bealtaine Books and Maps are printed in Ireland and posted from Ireland to support the people of Ireland.


Special Offer: Goddess Book and Midwinter Book

In Search of the Goddess Rising and The Bealtaine Cottage Guide to the Deep Midwinter…can be purchased together for for €36.00 which includes P&P Worldwide. Bealtaine Books and Maps are printed in Ireland and posted from Ireland to support the people of Ireland.


In Search of The Goddess Rising

This is the second book in the Goddess Permaculture series from Colette O’Neill at Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland. In this book I explore the ancient landscape, mythology, literature and life around Bealtaine Cottage… in search of the Great Goddess. The price of the book includes all postage and packing to wherever you live in the world! Bealtaine Books and Maps are printed in Ireland and posted from Ireland to support the people of Ireland.


A Cottage and Three Acres

Please email Colette if you would like a particular inscription in your book. From a desolate cottage set in 3 acres of monoculture sadness, to a vibrant, thriving food forest of life…the journey back to Eden over 13 years… Bealtaine Books and Maps are printed in Ireland and posted from Ireland to support the people of Ireland.




  1. You look fabulous! Are you going to write a recipe book? My issue with the plant based diet is mainly OILS! Potatoes, rice, pasta etc are so dry and bland without it and salt. The meals you displayed look delicious! I just can’t seem to put together palatable meals without oil of some kind!

  2. Hi Colette! Greetings from Oregon.

    Just wanted to let you know that I just ordered a calendar, and all 3 books. It’ll be under my husband’s name, Scott Gifford of McMinnville, Oregon.

    No inscription is needed, but could you please sign the books?

    Thanks for doing all that you do, and letting us be part of your life. You are truly a calming presence that we in the USA look forward to living vicariously through whenever you post on the net.

    Also, since I was born on Mabon, i told my husband that your books would be a perfect gift – since he never knows what to get me. 🙂

    Thanks again, Cheers and hugs to Jack and the kitties!

    Dawn Gifford

    On Fri, Aug 17, 2018, 2:51 AM Bealtaine Cottage ~ 14 years of Goddess Permaculture wrote:

    > Bealtaine Cottage posted: “It’s almost two months since the end of my 100 > day juice fast. For all of my life before I have dieted, lost weight and > then, in the space of a month or two, put it all back on again! I’m sure > that if you have ever suffered with weight issues, you comple” >

  3. Huge, huge congratulations Colette. I’ve always eaten like you now do (bar a bag of wine gums here and there, lol!) and I can vouch for how good it feels, especially now I’ve started my 7th decade on Mother Earth. Not just the weight but something shifts in the brain and body, it feels lighter and more energising and I believe we become more in tune with the whole of nature. You look absolutely fantastic and will go on feeling better and better. Love what you do 🙂 xxx

  4. Thank you for your inspiring life story! I especially needed to hear about your continued success and the whole food plant based diet you’re on now. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago – 60 pounds – and have managed to keep all but 6 pounds off. But, over the summer, I started eating the wrong foods again – knowing it was bad for me. Last evening, I asked the Goddess for help and inspiration – and she sent it to me – by way of your post. I will drop the bad habits and begin fresh right now. Many blessings – Love to you. Betzy

  5. You honestly look fabulous, bet you feel great too. Really lovely your outfits to, very stylish but with a quirky tweak.

  6. you look wonderful — congratulations — isn’t it a relief to recover the health and well-being we are all entitled to? What could be simpler?

  7. Hi From an old Brit now in Canada!! I have your books and map…cant wait for your book on your new healthy way of soon!! Christine.

  8. Beautiful pictures, you look radiant at your age congratulations are in order for your persistence with your dieting. Seeing these pictures are encouraging to anyone who want to changing eating habits and the wardrobe is very enticing and pleasing to the eyes.. Thanks for keeping me on the contact list. God’s blessing on you.

  9. Dear Colette, Thank you for sharing your life so intemately. You look and are awesome. you must feel fantastic.
    I live on 8 acres in the mountains of California and I have to feel good in my body every day when I’m out there working with Mother Earth. So I was wondering if you have less pain now? I remember you shared about suffering from arthritis a while ago.
    Thank you so much – Blessings Shana

  10. Thank you, Collette! Very inspiring! Looking forward to your new book!

    How did you find the appropriate 100 days juice fast? Where you under medical supervision? What kind of doctor?

    Thanks a bunch!

    Gladys R. Bush Nurture a Thankful Heart while counting the daily blessings!


  11. You are radiant with health and beauty. You have not only shed weight but years. Your youthful self has emerged during this healthful trans-formative journey. Your wardrobe is magical and so much fun. Thank you for sharing your adventure into the land of food goodness and health.

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