Country Living in the West of Ireland ~ Sunday Notes

Apples out from the store and in the kitchen ready for a little magic that lies in the art of an Apple Crumble!

So what is the special ingredient?


Ivy…one of the essential parts of midwinter decoration.

This beautiful plant was traditionally brought into the home around midwinter to remind all that life continued and the green abundance would, once again, in Spring, return…

    Home baked cake…

Shop bought/factory food, is mediocre compared to even the simplest home-baked cake…

Well worth a good pot of tea, don’t you think?

  Home-grown vegetables, fresh from the garden hardly need washing…

  Sunday…it hardly feels like winter really! It’s so warm and pleasant outside…


    • I’m glad they have such a nice effect…there’s always so much to write about~life is certainly not quiet and dull living in the country! What part of N.Ireland will you be moving too? My roots are in Omagh!

    • Really, when one thinks about it, money has little to do with quality of life…much more pleasure stems from home made food, log fires, good tea and a comfortable bed…shopping and consumed is rather empty in comparison! I must admit to fresh coffee every morning!

    • This is so true…and every little action, good or bad, impacts upon Gaia…in the James Lovelock theory, which I support. We have so much power when viewed through this lense…goodnight Global Sister.

Your comments are welcome!