Permaculture Cottage ~ A Ramble aound the Gardens at Bealtaine Cottage

Working in the gardens today. The evening has arrived. It’s hot and still and sweat appears effortlessly. To chill out I decided to just ramble around the gardens here at Bealtaine, mug of coffee in one hand, camera in the other.

These are some of the poppies grown from seed this year…all are different shades of pink and red and white and, I hope, perennial.

The girls are happy! I deposited heaps of fresh barley straw all around their extensive runs today. They enjoy scratching around…

I have often thought that what we need more than any religion in the world today is a spiritual order that will teach a sense of belonging to Earth and communion with Nature. I say this because working on this land over the past seven years has brought a sense of spirituality into my life that was never before experienced. This spirituality is creation centred and allows me to see the Divine in so much of Nature that it sometimes takes my breath away.

Even though all our institutions and governments are in debt, it isn’t money that we lack in our lives today…it is that spiritual awakening we most need and it is that which will change our lives and our communities.

Over recent decades we have been exposed to great materialism, yet drug and alcohol abuse increases daily. Here in Ireland, a study out just today, has put Irish motorists at the very top of European drivers surveyed for drug and alcohol abuse. Even here, in this green island paradise, there is a deep disconnect!

Growth on all of the trees planted here has been amazing this year. As I walked through the land I stopped often to look at trees that I had simply forgotten I had planted…they now towered above my head and appeared to look down at me. I almost felt like an intruder!


  1. It’s true, when your out with nature you can see the Divine! Because God created it! But the spirit of God dwells inside people only if they recieve Christ. God did’nt intend for us to have religion, he wanted a personal relationship. The religious people were the ones who persecuted Christ. Your Garden looks beautiful!

  2. I really like your photos, and the abundance they show of the growth. Real end of summer greenery. And the weather the last few days has been lovely too.

    • The weather is reminiscent of early Autumn, which according to the old Celtic calendar, it is…and rather lovely too, you’re right, Heckety! I love this weather!

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